Certainly secular laws seem to have little or no effect on those who have a propensity for poor behavior, in fact it rarely even corrects that behavior. What makes you think religious threats or guidance would have a better effect?
Because I know of one example in particular, someone (married) that said if they thought it wasn't 'the truth' then they would be out and about a-fornicatin' galore.
Maybe it was just said for effect, and I hope so, but for individuals that have that mentality, the threat of a vengeful sky daddy keeping them in check is a real and positive effect.
Another positive is the sense of community that some loners and outsiders get that they might not necessarily get elsewhere.
Don't get me wrong, it doesn't make up for the mental and spiritual abuse or the wrecked families, I'm just saying that SOME may well get through an entire life in the bOrg benefited (only because they know no better) and unscathed.